4 11, 2016

Having Difficulty Losing Weight? Consider Underlying Health Issues

2017-12-01T22:42:53-08:00By |Categories: Functional Medicine, Nutrition, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Having Difficulty Losing Weight? Consider Underlying Health Issues

Having Difficulty Losing Weight? Consider Underlying Health IssuesDo you keep trying weight loss diets but can’t seem to drop the pounds? Are you instead exhausted and frustrated by an ever growing layer of fat?

Calorie-restricted diets have been popular for decades as a way to lose weight, but clearly more is at play as many people under eat and still can’t lose weight or keep it off.

If you’re doing everything right and the fat isn’t budging, the culprit may lie in underlying health issues slowing metabolism and blocking fat burning.

Feast or famine? Dieting slows metabolism for years

For most of human history, life vacillated between feast or famine, with plenty of bouts of famine. The human body body has smart coping mechanisms to get us through hungry times — lowered metabolism and increased fat-storage hormones.

As far as the body is concerned, a low-calorie diet is a famine and it employs the same measures to save you from starving. As a result, each low-calorie diet can add weight in the end when you resume normal caloric intake.

This dieting-caused metabolic slow-down can last for years. This phenomenon was recently documented in participants from the The Biggest […]

6 05, 2016

Dieting Can Make You Fat

2017-12-18T22:22:48-08:00By |Categories: Nutrition, Weight Loss|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Dieting Can Make You Fat

Dieting Can Make You FatIn one of the most overfed populations in human history, the weight loss diet is almost an obsession.

Despite plenty of scientific evidence that many diets don’t produce lasting results for most people and despite countless numbers of dieters, most of them women, thrown into a lifetime of damaging despair, low self-esteem, and self-hatred thanks to failing diets, our culture still blindly adheres to the low-calorie diet as the panacea for all life’s problems, including those extra pounds.

The reality TV show The Biggest Loser provided the perfect high-profile platform for scientists to showcase what millions of Americans have learned the hard way: diets make you fatter in the long run.

Why dieting makes you fat

For most of our species’ history, meager food supply and bouts of famine have been the norm. As a result, the body prioritizes conserving fat and energy through altering its metabolism and fat-storing hormones.

Metabolism slows dramatically for years

Eating fewer calories to lose weight significantly slows your metabolism and causes you to regain the weight quickly and easily. The body will fight for years to get back to its previous set point. Contestants on […]

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