About James Whittlesey Novato Chiropractor

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17 10, 2023

Blood Sugar and Inflammation

2023-10-17T16:13:56-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Blood Sugar and Inflammation


You hear about inflammation all time now.  Inflammation is the root cause of many health problems. At the core of systemic inflammation for many people is blood sugar imbalance. Even and steady blood sugar levels are very important to keep the body healthy.

When we eat too many sugars or carbs, the body over-produces insulin, a hormone that helps escort glucose (sugar) into cells for energy.  Every cell in your body has an insulin receptor.  This receptor is kind of like a lock to the door that allows insulin into your cells. Insulin is like a the key that opens that door. Too much insulin and the lock that opens the door stops working..  This causes insulin resistance.  . This leads to excess glucose in the bloodstream, which is severely damaging to tissues in the blood vessels and brain. Eventually this can lead to type II diabetes.  Most importantly is that this all leads to inflammation.

Inflammation  leads to pain (obviously), arthritis, hormone imbalances, digestive problems, brain fog and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.

                                              Seven Consequences of Chronic Inflammation

By keeping blood sugar balanced, we […]

25 09, 2023

What are Disc Herniations?

2023-09-25T12:41:30-07:00By |Categories: chiropractic, Uncategorized|Comments Off on What are Disc Herniations?


Your spine is made of a series bones called vertebrae stacked on top of each other with a rubbery disc in between. The disc is like a shock absorber.  The spine has a canal in the back where the spinal cord runs and the nerves come out either side.  The nerves and spinal cord are like the wires of the internet or phone system. The discs are made of two components: a soft jelly like center (called nucleus pulposus) surrounded by an elastic ring of cartilage  (called annulus fibrosus).  There are many layers of rings in the annulus fibrosus organized in a criss cross fashion.

A disc protusion occurs, when the several layers of rings in the cartilage breakdown or tear and the soft jelly like center bulges out beyond the edge.  But it doesn’t break all the way through.  An extrusion is when the soft jelly like center or annulus pulposus breaks through all the rings of cartilage and protrudes out into the area where the nerves and spinal cord are located. Then you have a sequestration. This is where the disc material breaks free and floats the nerve roots and spinal cord. […]

22 05, 2023

Trigger Point Therapy

2023-05-22T16:01:11-07:00By |Categories: Injuries, Soft Tissue|Comments Off on Trigger Point Therapy

Pain can come from many places in the body. Trigger points are one of them. Trigger points are tight tender knots in muscles. Sometimes they are called myofascial nodules or just myofascitis.  They can cause a lot of pain.  A classic sign is radiating pain, when you push on the nodule. Or in other words they cause pain in other areas than their location. Dr Janet Travell MD was famous for developing the understanding of trigger points. She became John F Kennedy’s personal doctor, because she helped relieve his back pain by treating his trigger points in his lower back.

Trigger Point Therapy Novato Chiropractic

Trigger points are usually caused by:

Joint problems such as subluxation (misaligned vertebrae) and arthritis

Accidents and Injuries

Lack of exercise

Bad posture -swayback posture, telephone posture, computer posture

Muscle overuse, repetitive micro-trauma, over exercising

Chronic stress – anxiety, depression, psychological stress trauma,

Nutrient deficiencies

Sleep disturbances

These factors lead to a local inflammatory response in the muscle, which leads to loss of oxygen supply, loss of blood and nutrient supply irritated nerves in the muscle itself, shortening of muscle fibers, scar tissue, and increased metabolic demand on local tissues.

Trigger points can occur in any muscle.  But the […]

12 04, 2023

The Benefits of Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis

2023-04-12T16:18:42-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Benefits of Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis

Many people get an annual blood test from a general practitioner.  The doctor says everything looks fine and that’s it.  And many of these people still have symptoms.  Well, there is a lot more you can get from Blood chemistry analysis than just screening for serious diseases.  It can tell a lot about how your body is working/functioning.  And often when people think of functional medicine testing, they think about more specialized tests like hormone tests, saliva tests, stool test and allergy tests.  But in reality, the functional chemistry and urine analysis is the core in understanding how the body is actually doing.  Combined with a thorough history and exam, we get a picture of 80 percent of the body’s function.  For starters the typical annual test is a screening and only includes some of the available blood tests and only looks for diseases.  The function Chemistry analysis uses 2-3 times as many tests.  This way we can get a much clearer idea of how the body is functioning and not just if you are suffering from some sort of disease process.


With functional Blood Chemistry Analysis we can look at: Blood sugar insulin resistance, hypoglycemia and diabetes, acidity,   kidney function, […]

22 03, 2023

Ice or Heat???

2023-03-22T16:19:07-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Ice or Heat???


I get this question all the time. “Should I use ice or heat for my injury?”  It is almost instinctual to reach for heat, when you are in pain. Because it feels so good.  But is that right thing to do?  In most cases I would say NO.  Both ice and heat will temporarily block the pain.  But other than pain relief, they have opposite effects.  Heat tends to increase blood flow and swelling and increase metabolic activity. While ice slows blood flow and swelling and slows metabolic activity.  When you have an injury or sudden new pain, the body rushes in and tries to save the day by causing swelling and stimulating repair.  This is good, but the body usually get a little over enthusiastic and does too much.  One of the things it does is it stimulates the production of fibrin to repair the injury, but if you get too much fibrin you get too much scar tissue.  Also, if the swelling is allowed to progress, it will amplify all the chemical messengers that cause inflammation and swelling and it will become a repetitive cycle that is hard to slow down.  Heat exaggerates this cycle, whereas cold or […]

28 02, 2023

Percussion Treatment Helps Relieve Tension in the Body

2023-02-28T17:39:12-08:00By |Categories: chiropractic, Soft Tissue|Comments Off on Percussion Treatment Helps Relieve Tension in the Body

Many of my patients have received treatments with the percussor. They often think that it is some sort of vibrator or “feel good device”. But it is actually a very dynamic healing tool that helps restore vitality to the body.

If you have ever peeled the skin off a piece of chicken you may have noticed that each muscle is covered and enveloped by a thin, clear coating, almost like saran wrap. We refer to this material as fascia. Fascia covers and separates all the muscles in the body, one from another. In addition, fascia provides a protective coating for every bone, organ, artery and vein, and every tissue of the body. For example, the fascial tissue that covers the lungs is called Pleura. When it becomes inflamed, we call that pleurisy. The fascial coating over the brain is called the dura. That’s where the word epidural comes from. The great osteopath, Dr. Robert Fulford made tremendous strides in discovering that the fascia can become distorted, or hold abnormal tension. Strong emotions, physical traumas, infections, digestive problems and other insults in the body can distort and twist the fascial tissue. These insults often cause the fascia to […]

15 02, 2022

Keeping Your Nervous System Healthy to Keeps You Healthy

2022-02-15T16:30:22-08:00By |Categories: adjustments, chiropractic, nervous system|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Keeping Your Nervous System Healthy to Keeps You Healthy

Most people think of chiropractors as “Bone” doctors.  But we really are “Nerve” doctors.   Your brain the nervous system control everything in the body.  The brain is like a supercomputer and spinal cord and nerves are like the wires of the internet.  Anytime there is any sort of interference on the nervous system,  you can have decreased health. Chiropractors “push” on the bones of the spine and muscles to  relieve nerve pressure.

At the bottom of your skull there is a hole about the size of silver dollar, where spinal cord goes out to  the body. If you have any pinching of the nerves, that will choke off the nerve supply and cause whatever is at the end of the nerves to malfunction. Relieving pressure on the nervous system can help improve health and reduce pain.  This is the core of chiropractic care.  Making adjustments helps normalize the pressure on the many nerves in the body.  In Integrative Chiropractic care we also with other parts of the body  for not only for pain relief , but also to restore overall health.


Scientific research studies have found that people getting regular chiropractic adjustments have fewer […]

25 11, 2020

         Whiplash… A modern Epidemic

2020-11-25T16:16:08-08:00By |Categories: Injuries, Whiplash|Comments Off on          Whiplash… A modern Epidemic

Car accidents are really and epidemic now.  Cars can drive faster and there are a lot more cars on the road now.  Everyone is in a hurry.  Many people are on their phones.  You hear of many horrific accidents.  But you don’t to have to be in a really bad accident to suffer a lot injury. Even accidents with little damage to your car, can cause a lot of problems.

 In a typical rear-end car accident, the injury occurs when your car is pushed out from underneath you by the impact and then the stopping quickly in a third of second.  When this happens your body is jerked backwards and then suddenly thrown forward. The effects of this “whiplash” movement is that the ligaments of the spine become over stretched and torn (Sprained) in the front and back of the spine.  The movement also causes misalignment of the spine, which is a big problem that occurs in car accidents. The disc can get torn or shifted out of place.  There are little joints in the back of the spine called the Facet joints.  These are about the size of one of your finger joints and have nerve endings.  Injury to the […]

15 12, 2019

Regular crafting helps undo damage from screentime

2019-12-15T14:29:04-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Regular crafting helps undo damage from screentime

927 crafting improves health and brain

If you’re like most people today, you spend hours a day in front of a screen. Americans now spend at least half their lives in front of a screen, five times as long compared to 50 years ago. This excessive screen time has been linked with neurodevelopmental issues in children and “digital dementia” in adults, not to mention depression, isolation, sleep disorders, and anxiety.

While the answer is to spend less time using screens, the problem is screen time also appears to be uniquely addictive for us all.

Is there an antidote? Studies show spending time working with your hands crafting, building, gardening, etc. can provide unique qualities that boost your physical and neurological health. If you’re working to manage a chronic condition such as autoimmune disease of gastrointestinal disease, regular craft time can be a fun and beneficial tool in your health toolbox.

For instance, knitting, crocheting, sewing, and other textile crafts have been shown to have the same neurological benefits as meditation and mindfulness.

Regular knitters have reported knitting makes them feel happy and they are drawn to the […]

8 12, 2019

Hair dyes and relaxers linked to significant cancer risk

2019-12-08T10:46:19-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Hair dyes and relaxers linked to significant cancer risk

926 hair dyes cause cancer

It is hard being a woman in a society that disapproves of aging women and favors straight hair. In fact, coloring and straightening hair is regarded as “professional,” “good grooming,” or “taking care of yourself.” But at what a cost — a new study shows hair dyes and relaxers are significantly associated with breast cancer…especially for black women.

The Journal of Cancer article showed the results of a study that tracked more than 45,000 women over eight years. Black women who regularly used permanent hair dyes had a 60 percent higher chance of developing breast cancer than black women who did not. White women had an 8 percent higher chance.

Women who used chemical hair straighteners were 30 percent more likely to develop breast cancer. While some white women straighten their hair, in the study three quarters of the black women straightened their hair.

Why the cancer link? The researchers pointed to toxic compounds in hair dyes known as “endocrine disrupters.” This means these compounds mimic hormones and interfere with normal hormone function, thus causing imbalances and an increased risk of cancer.

The chemicals […]

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