22 05, 2023

Trigger Point Therapy

2023-05-22T16:01:11-07:00By |Categories: Injuries, Soft Tissue|Comments Off on Trigger Point Therapy

Pain can come from many places in the body. Trigger points are one of them. Trigger points are tight tender knots in muscles. Sometimes they are called myofascial nodules or just myofascitis.  They can cause a lot of pain.  A classic sign is radiating pain, when you push on the nodule. Or in other words they cause pain in other areas than their location. Dr Janet Travell MD was famous for developing the understanding of trigger points. She became John F Kennedy’s personal doctor, because she helped relieve his back pain by treating his trigger points in his lower back.

Trigger Point Therapy Novato Chiropractic

Trigger points are usually caused by:

Joint problems such as subluxation (misaligned vertebrae) and arthritis

Accidents and Injuries

Lack of exercise

Bad posture -swayback posture, telephone posture, computer posture

Muscle overuse, repetitive micro-trauma, over exercising

Chronic stress – anxiety, depression, psychological stress trauma,

Nutrient deficiencies

Sleep disturbances

These factors lead to a local inflammatory response in the muscle, which leads to loss of oxygen supply, loss of blood and nutrient supply irritated nerves in the muscle itself, shortening of muscle fibers, scar tissue, and increased metabolic demand on local tissues.

Trigger points can occur in any muscle.  But the […]

28 02, 2023

Percussion Treatment Helps Relieve Tension in the Body

2023-02-28T17:39:12-08:00By |Categories: chiropractic, Soft Tissue|Comments Off on Percussion Treatment Helps Relieve Tension in the Body

Many of my patients have received treatments with the percussor. They often think that it is some sort of vibrator or “feel good device”. But it is actually a very dynamic healing tool that helps restore vitality to the body.

If you have ever peeled the skin off a piece of chicken you may have noticed that each muscle is covered and enveloped by a thin, clear coating, almost like saran wrap. We refer to this material as fascia. Fascia covers and separates all the muscles in the body, one from another. In addition, fascia provides a protective coating for every bone, organ, artery and vein, and every tissue of the body. For example, the fascial tissue that covers the lungs is called Pleura. When it becomes inflamed, we call that pleurisy. The fascial coating over the brain is called the dura. That’s where the word epidural comes from. The great osteopath, Dr. Robert Fulford made tremendous strides in discovering that the fascia can become distorted, or hold abnormal tension. Strong emotions, physical traumas, infections, digestive problems and other insults in the body can distort and twist the fascial tissue. These insults often cause the fascia to […]

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