13 07, 2018

Every Cell Needs Vitamin D. Yet Most People are Deficient

2018-07-13T20:36:14-07:00By |Categories: Supplements|Comments Off on Every Cell Needs Vitamin D. Yet Most People are Deficient

Vitamin D is one of the few nutrients we can’t get enough of from food. Our bodies are designed to make vitamin D from sunlight, yet modern life has made that difficult. The result is a worldwide 50 percent deficiency in vitamin D, even in sunny locations.

Why we can’t get enough of the sunshine vitamin

While some foods contain vitamin D, our main source is supposed to be sun exposure and we synthesize it using cholesterol.Omega 6 and 3 fats: The Good and the Bad

However, certain factors stand in the way:

Reduced sun exposure. We spend far fewer hours outside than our ancestors and slather on sunscreen when we are outside. People with dark skin or who live farther north have even less ability to make vitamin D from sunlight.

Limited diet. Most people don’t eat the foods that contain more vitamin D, such as organ meats, salmon and fish liver oil, and egg yolks. Two foods fortified with vitamin D — dairy (a common immune reactive food) and breakfast cereals (gluten and grains).

Gut inflammation and fat malabsorption. Vitamin D is fat-soluble. When the gut is inflamed due to leaky gut and other inflammatory […]

7 07, 2016

Why Do You Need to Take Supplements, Even if You Eat a Good Diet?

2017-12-01T22:27:22-08:00By |Categories: Functional Medicine, Nutrition, Supplements|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Why Do You Need to Take Supplements, Even if You Eat a Good Diet?

Many people say  “You don’t need to take supplements if you eat a good diet.” Although a good diet is essential to good health, supplements play an instrumental role in various health conditions.

People who don’t understand the value of supplements think they are a waste of money. Others think that they are dangerous and unregulated compounds that should be taken off the market. Some of those products do exist.

The United States is unique compared to the rest of the west in terms of of the freedom of our supplement market. Supplement availability in Europe and Canada is severely limited compared to the United States. With this comes pros and cons.

How to be a smart supplement shopper

The key to understanding supplements is to understand the underlying causes of your condition.

For instance, ten different people can each have a different cause for leaky gut, insomnia, pain, depression, and so on. Buying a “depression supplement,” or an “insomnia supplement,” can often result in failure and frustration, because it might not be what your body needs..

Also, quality matters. Supplements from your local chain supermarket are not going to meet the same standards of quality, care, specificity, and educational support of supplements sold through a practitioner.

The […]

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