25 09, 2023

What are Disc Herniations?

2023-09-25T12:41:30-07:00By |Categories: chiropractic, Uncategorized|Comments Off on What are Disc Herniations?


Your spine is made of a series bones called vertebrae stacked on top of each other with a rubbery disc in between. The disc is like a shock absorber.  The spine has a canal in the back where the spinal cord runs and the nerves come out either side.  The nerves and spinal cord are like the wires of the internet or phone system. The discs are made of two components: a soft jelly like center (called nucleus pulposus) surrounded by an elastic ring of cartilage  (called annulus fibrosus).  There are many layers of rings in the annulus fibrosus organized in a criss cross fashion.

A disc protusion occurs, when the several layers of rings in the cartilage breakdown or tear and the soft jelly like center bulges out beyond the edge.  But it doesn’t break all the way through.  An extrusion is when the soft jelly like center or annulus pulposus breaks through all the rings of cartilage and protrudes out into the area where the nerves and spinal cord are located. Then you have a sequestration. This is where the disc material breaks free and floats the nerve roots and spinal cord. […]

28 02, 2023

Percussion Treatment Helps Relieve Tension in the Body

2023-02-28T17:39:12-08:00By |Categories: chiropractic, Soft Tissue|Comments Off on Percussion Treatment Helps Relieve Tension in the Body

Many of my patients have received treatments with the percussor. They often think that it is some sort of vibrator or “feel good device”. But it is actually a very dynamic healing tool that helps restore vitality to the body.

If you have ever peeled the skin off a piece of chicken you may have noticed that each muscle is covered and enveloped by a thin, clear coating, almost like saran wrap. We refer to this material as fascia. Fascia covers and separates all the muscles in the body, one from another. In addition, fascia provides a protective coating for every bone, organ, artery and vein, and every tissue of the body. For example, the fascial tissue that covers the lungs is called Pleura. When it becomes inflamed, we call that pleurisy. The fascial coating over the brain is called the dura. That’s where the word epidural comes from. The great osteopath, Dr. Robert Fulford made tremendous strides in discovering that the fascia can become distorted, or hold abnormal tension. Strong emotions, physical traumas, infections, digestive problems and other insults in the body can distort and twist the fascial tissue. These insults often cause the fascia to […]

15 02, 2022

Keeping Your Nervous System Healthy to Keeps You Healthy

2022-02-15T16:30:22-08:00By |Categories: adjustments, chiropractic, nervous system|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Keeping Your Nervous System Healthy to Keeps You Healthy

Most people think of chiropractors as “Bone” doctors.  But we really are “Nerve” doctors.   Your brain the nervous system control everything in the body.  The brain is like a supercomputer and spinal cord and nerves are like the wires of the internet.  Anytime there is any sort of interference on the nervous system,  you can have decreased health. Chiropractors “push” on the bones of the spine and muscles to  relieve nerve pressure.

At the bottom of your skull there is a hole about the size of silver dollar, where spinal cord goes out to  the body. If you have any pinching of the nerves, that will choke off the nerve supply and cause whatever is at the end of the nerves to malfunction. Relieving pressure on the nervous system can help improve health and reduce pain.  This is the core of chiropractic care.  Making adjustments helps normalize the pressure on the many nerves in the body.  In Integrative Chiropractic care we also with other parts of the body  for not only for pain relief , but also to restore overall health.


Scientific research studies have found that people getting regular chiropractic adjustments have fewer […]

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